Wednesday, June 1, 2011

fiber reinforced plastic (FRP)

Traditional structural materials are heavy and require a lot of maintenance. If a new breed of structural material could be produced that was lighter, stronger and more resistant to corrosion, impacts, parasites and chemicals, it could be a good substitute for steel, concrete, masonry and wood.
One new material that has the potential to meet these demands is starting to show up on the construction industry market, it is Fiber Reinforced Plastics . 

The benefits include low weight, high strength, ease of erection, and corrosion resistance. These factors combined lead to lower install costs and lower maintenance costs. When the manufacturing process is perfect and the standards have been developed, the initial costs may be lower as well. All of these factors could lead to lower life-cycle costs than using traditional materials.

the future of this product is carbon nano tubes high strength low cost tubes made from carbon a by product of steel even though thet are much stronger than steel and weigh only a fraction they're being used to design space elevators and other big projects.

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