Monday, June 13, 2011

Heads-up displays, "super-vision," via contact lenses

Engineers at the University of Washington have created a flexible, safe contact lens with an imprinted electronic circuit and lights witch create a heads up display on your eye. There are many possible uses for virtual displays. Drivers or pilots could see a vehicle’s speed projected onto the windshield. Video-game companies could use the contact lenses to completely immerse players in a virtual world without restricting their range of motion. And for communications, people on the go could surf the Internet on a midair virtual display screen that only they would be able to see. And, the engineers say, people may find many other uses they haven’t even thought of yet. So far only rabbits have worn the prototype, with no bad effects after up to twenty minutes. The engineers plan to add wireless communication to and from the lens, along with built-on solar cells and the capability to use radio-frequency power. The prototype doesn’t light up, but a version with a basic display showing a few pixels could be operational soon.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

fiber reinforced plastic (FRP)

Traditional structural materials are heavy and require a lot of maintenance. If a new breed of structural material could be produced that was lighter, stronger and more resistant to corrosion, impacts, parasites and chemicals, it could be a good substitute for steel, concrete, masonry and wood.
One new material that has the potential to meet these demands is starting to show up on the construction industry market, it is Fiber Reinforced Plastics . 

The benefits include low weight, high strength, ease of erection, and corrosion resistance. These factors combined lead to lower install costs and lower maintenance costs. When the manufacturing process is perfect and the standards have been developed, the initial costs may be lower as well. All of these factors could lead to lower life-cycle costs than using traditional materials.

the future of this product is carbon nano tubes high strength low cost tubes made from carbon a by product of steel even though thet are much stronger than steel and weigh only a fraction they're being used to design space elevators and other big projects.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

smart board

this is the smart board an innteractive white board based on projection and touch screen technology, this will revolutionize the way people teach and are taught allowing children to interact with an image to point things out, answer questions or just use it as a computer. it has many applications witch can help the teacher demonstrate without any hassle. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

light weight undetectable bullet proof clothing

The Miguel Caballero bulletproof clothing line was made for those who need protection in their lives. this innovative design consist of a Kevlar-based material that is wooven into the manufacturing process of this armored product. The result is a design that offers clients a clothing option that can still be worn with a sense of comfort, style and added security. Known as the Armani of bulletproof clothing, Miguel Caballero has created a fresh line of Italian themed clothing featuring blazers, leather jackets, coats, rain-coats, dress shirts, t-shirts, polos, vests and more. All of them are lightweight and easy to wear. But most importantly, these fabrics are durable and wearing them is the latest passive protection method in the market.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

pneumatic thought controlled arm

Two undergraduate students from Toronto’s Ryerson University have made a prosthetic arm that is controlled by brain signals, and powered by compressed air. Not only is the Artificial Muscle-Operated (AMO) cool but also offers a lot of mobility, best of all this doesn't reguire a long surgery or a lot of money it's easy to install and relatively cheap. the only problem is that this limb is completely numb.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Watson the jeopardy robot

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

as you can see this is a pretty incredible machine it's able to process and answer in the questions in the form of a question. it's the smartest robot ever made.

Friday, April 29, 2011


the ps3 revolutionized the gaming industry in succession to the ps2 witch has low graphics and incomplex story lines the ps3 has blown away the competition, only rivaling with Xbox 360 for popularity. it's by far the most advanced gaming system on the market now offering motion games for people attached to the Wii system. after playing this system it's hard to imagine what the future of gaming will be because this system covers all the possibilities. The only thing that could be done to improve this system is real 3D virtual reality. when you stand in a ball and walk around with screen all around you. 

skull busting clock

To many people, it seems almost impossible that you can sleep through the sound of an alarm clock, yet a small percentage of us can indeed, mask out all but the loudest of sounds without moving an eyelid. For those people, there is now "The Skull", a Sonic Boom alarm clock on steroids that pumps out 113 db of sound, flashes bright red light from its eye , and strobes bright orange from a strip of flashing lights on the front. If that's not enough to wake you, the skull comes with the company's "Bone Crusher" bed shaker attachment to shake you .

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


this is the Aquaram tactical disrupter, this device is able to detect and and destroy improvised explosive devices ( or IED's for short) it uses multiple frequencies of radiowaves wich override the trigger and force the explosive to go off long before the military vehicle get in harms way. this fevice has already been provin in afganistan and has been found highly useful. see it at work here

Thursday, April 14, 2011

                                           this is a video of a javelin missile vs the Russian T-72

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

FGM-148 Javelin

this is the lastest rocket launcher, with new "fire and forget" technology the javelin makes a huge arch and hits the target from the top.
the specialized warhead utilizes a peice of metal in a cone shape. when detinated it plastisizes and turns into an armour penetrating spike moving faster than the speed of sound.